This is a simple reflection template we use at Tribeless to reflect and connect as a team. Feel free to try it out by yourself or with your people! We'd love to hear how it goes 😄

<aside> 💛 **What were the most significant moments for you in the past few months?

1.** Create two general categories: Professional and Personal. 2. List down as many significant moments as you can for each category. Pro-Tip: Refer to your calendar or To-Do list to help jog your memory... 3. If words aren't your thing, you can draw, record, paint. Do whatever feels right for you!

Set a time limit to brain-dump your answers under the two categories. If you're doing this in a group, make sure that you let each other know when you're done!


<aside> 💛 **Next, ask yourself... What made these moments significant for you?

**Did anything change — in yourself, others or your environment? Were you taught an important learning or takeaway? How did it impact you?

If you had to sum up all these moments into one word, what would it be and why?

Write down your answers as a freestyle journal. If you're doing this in a group, feel free to each share your one word at the end!


<aside> 💛 Based on everything you've reflected on above, what do you feel like doing now?

*Grabbing a drink? Talking to someone? Starting a new hobby? Learning a new skill?

It doesn't have to make sense! You do you :)*

Set a time, place and commitment for you to get it done. **If you're doing this in a group, share what you feel like doing with each other, and hold each other accountable to it. Even better, you can do it together!


Thanks for reflecting with us!

We hope this simple template has given you some space and clarity to take stock of your year and gain a deeper understanding of yourself & the people around you.

If you'd like to share about your experiences with us, email us at hello [at] 💌

© Tribeless Team 2021. All rights reserved.